Overview > Kieffer, Karen

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Wonderful Figurines from Karen Kieffer. chillilvr@hotmail.com

(For a detailed description and enlarged view click the pictures!)

Yorkshire  terrier, standing along side a ceramic, Fall pumpkin YORKIE on Hibiscus flower YORKIE pair w/ Spring bunny Yorkie wears a purple bow inset with a green jewel
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkshire terrier, standing along side a ceramic, Fall pumpkin

YORKIE on Hibiscus flower

YORKIE pair w/ Spring bunny

Yorkie wears a purple bow inset with a green jewel

Yorkshire Terrier with bouquet Yorkie is laying with a butterfly on it's bum Yorkshire Terrier with toy-bunny Yorkshire Terrier mom and pup
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkshire Terrier with bouquet

Yorkie is laying with a butterfly on it's bum

Yorkshire Terrier with toy-bunny

Yorkshire Terrier mom and pup

YORKSHIRE TERRIER mom & pup in a eastern basket Yorkshire Terrier with pumpkin YORKSHIRE TERRIER PIN Yorkshire Terrier sitting atop a hallow, metal, Victorian style ball
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

YORKSHIRE TERRIER mom & pup in a eastern basket

Yorkshire Terrier with pumpkin


Yorkshire Terrier sitting atop a hallow, metal, Victorian style ball

Yorkshire Terrier sitting inside a metal thimble YORKIE Easter egg hunt YORKIE brother wakes sister YORKIE baby boy
not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection not (yet) in the collection

Yorkshire Terrier sitting inside a metal thimble

YORKIE Easter egg hunt

YORKIE brother wakes sister

YORKIE baby boy

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Overview > Kieffer, Karen

in the collection  in the collection  ·  not (yet) in the collection  not (yet) in the collection

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